資料室ジャーナル 第2号

短期大学部 講師 Stella Millikan6学校の校長である以上に、伝道者であり、九州全体にイエス・キリストの王国の福音を伝えた先駆者でもあった。彼女の使命は、福音を自国の女性や子供たちに伝える日本人の女性伝道者の精鋭隊を育成することだった。ギールはその女性たちをバイ5. Conclusion This report introduced the beginnings of the Gospel movement of Bible-women, told from the pen of Jennie Gheer. She recorded in detail their mission, purpose and exploits. The mission began with Christian education in schools as girls were presented the opportunity to hear about and study the truth found in the Bible. These students were also the attendees of services and meetings on Sundays and worked in the Sunday schools reaching the surrounding communities of women and children. As more and more people had the opportunity to hear the Gospel, many decided to believe and obey it. And not a few of these congregations grew into churches, resulting in more workers in the fields of harvest.14 Gheer had a passion to spread this gospel and to raise up workers to work in His vineyard. She writes, “Had we twenty more women we could easily find places for them in the Master’s vineyard.”15 It was under her guiding influence that His kingdom was the focal point of all graduates, whether they were from the Biblical department or from the Collegiate Department: “All are engaged for the next scholastic year in Christian work. Six more devoted Christian young women entering the field to work for Jesus. Still with our additions more are needed and we still cry ‘Send Forth Reapers’.”16BIBLIOGRAPHY1. The Minutes of the Eleventh Session of the Woman’s Annual Conference of the MEC in Japan, July 6-13 1894, 105.2. Tucker, Ruth A. The Role of Bible Women in World Evangelism. Missiology: An International Review, 8(2), April, 1985.3. The Minutes of the Third Session of the Woman’s Conference of the MEC in Japan, August 1886, 91-92.4. Full name: Saki Oshima5. Gheer, Jean. Our First Bible-Woman in Nagasaki. Heathen Woman’s Friend, 16(9), Boston: March, 1885, 202-203.6. The Minutes of the Tenth Session of the Woman’s Annual Conference of the MEC in Japan, July 6-13, 1893, 82.7. Millikan, Stella. (2021). “日本への宣教師, J.M.ギールの足跡をたどる” 自校史研究・教育の基礎的解明-福岡女学院の創立をめぐるJean Margaret Gheerの働きと学校アイデンティティ形成の解明-, 12-24, 福岡女学院資料室, 18.1.女性聖書普及員育成の始まり J.M.ギール(Jennie Margaret Gheer)は、福岡女学院の創立者として知られている。しかし、彼女は8. The Minutes of the Thirteenth Session of the Woman’s Annual Conference of the MEC in Japan, July 15-21, 1896, 101-102.9. Tenth Session, 92.10. Eleventh Session, 105.11. Thirteenth Session, 101-102.12. The Thirtieth Annual Report of the Woman’s Foreign Missionary Society of the MEC,1899, 69-70. https://archive.org/details/thirtiethannualr01woma/page/68/mode/2up?q=gheer13. The Thirty-Seventh Annual Report of the Woman’s Foreign Missionary Society of the MEC, 1906, 182. https://archive.org/details/thirtyseventhann01woma/page/182/mode/2up?q=south+japan+woman%27s+conference14. Gordon, Marquis L. Thirty eventful years: The story of the American Board mission in Japan, 1869-1899, Boston: Cornell University, 1901.15. Tenth Session, 92.16. Thirteenth Session, 107.“Send Forth Reapers!” Gheer’s Bible-Women in Meiji Japan-日本の明治時代におけるJ.M.ギールの女性聖書普及員たち-「収穫のための働き人を送ってください」

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